Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 funny habits and guilty pleasures...

I admit I am a horrible blogger, it is something I plan on fixing in the new year.  While I have plenty of recipes and party ideas sitting on my camera that I will be blogging about in the future.  I am going to do this list of 10 funny habits and guilty pleasures I have seen on some of my favourite blogs in lieu of all of that.

Here we go:

1.  I love changing my hair, I have had every colour in the rainbow and every length. This year it all changed, I decided to grow out my own natural hair colour (I am still not convinced I actually like it) as long as it can go. I haven't had this much hair since I was four.

2.  I am a granny trapped in a younger lady's body. I enjoy knitting, collecting salt and pepper shakers and prefer most things vintage to new.

3.  I am a trained photographer and work in digitization for a great institution (trying to keep it anonymous on the internet) however I hate talking about cameras. I have never liked talking about cameras, their functions, their features, etc. I love photography and even photography isn't something I always want to talk about but I don't want to talk camera specifics with anyone.

4.  If I have toast with peanut butter and jam on it, it needs to also have a thin slice of cheese preferably old cheddar on top. I picked this up from my aunt.

5.  I didn't see a lot of 'classic movies' that most of my friends did growing up and since I don't have that connection to them, I don't 'loooooooovvvveee' them like you are supposed to. In fact some of them I don't even like. They are in no order, The Princess Bride, The Goonies and Labyrinth. Feels good to get that off my chest.

6.  I am a horrible plant owner. I have killed everything I've ever been given. I also think I would be a horrible gardener because of this.

7.  I love mtv reality shows. I get obsessed with the real world and all the challenge shows with older cast members.

8.  I like my kraft dinner slightly congealed. I will let it sit for a few minutes and then go to town.  I even find it better the next day. On the same note I like my scrambled eggs slightly runny and my poached eggs soft so I can dip my toast in it.

9.  I have a bad habit of walking around like a T-rex at times. I don't do it as often now as I did as a teen, but I did catch myself doing it last week at work.

10.  I am a secret gamer. I am really good at the games I played in my youth - Super Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong 1 & 2, Mario 3, etc.

Now you know some of my silly secrets. Confess yours. xox

p.s This is one of my favourite songs of the year. It reminds me alot of my 2011.

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